


经过多年的努力, all of 西雅图太平洋神学院’s graduate degree programs were approved for accreditation by the Association of Theological 学校. The committee noted “distinctive strengths” of the program including “theology faculty that are highly productive, 故意以学生为中心, 和教会有联系, 塑造了学校以学院为中心的三足鼎立, 威斯敏斯特大教堂, 还有使徒.”

香港特别大学推出新的电影研究课程, 城市研究, and Asian Studies majors in Autumn Qu艺术er 2016; more new majors on the way

从今年秋天开始, the new Film Studies major will begin to graduate students who are knowledgeable in film history, 写作, 美学, 和理论, 对生产流程和操作有基本的了解. SPU has also added new 学术 programs in Asian Studies (a major and a minor), 城市研究(主修和辅修), 戏剧(主修和辅修服装设计和制作), 历史(一个新的博物馆研究专业), 哲学(一个新的技术专业).


$16,000 per year for tuition — $8,000 from SPU and $8,000 in 退伍军人 Affairs funds. It applies if someone is discharged from the military and qualifies for Chapter 33 with 100-percent entitlement. All SPU-funded sources of gift assistance (such as merit scholarships) awarded to each eligible undergraduate recipient count toward meeting the University’s Yellow Ribbon program commitment.


The Theatre Dep艺术ment put together several amazing performances this past year, 包括《网易彩票app》,” an award-winning production about a new parolee and her adventures at the only eatery in a small, 苦苦挣扎的小镇. 演出的还有“大象的墓地”,” a true tale of the tragic collision of a struggling circus and a town in Tennessee.


收到他们的最后报告后, the Academic Innovation and Global task force work has now been completed. 随着和解和职业报告即将到来, 这些工作组的工作将持续到2016-17年. An earlier task force has led to the implementation of a new 写作 program and University colloquia, 以及UFDN 1000和UCOR 2000课程的改造.


埃里克森大学本科生研究会议, 五月十三日举行, showcased one of the many opportunities faculty provide to work alongside their students in undergraduate research. Student presentations ranged from single qu艺术er classroom-based original research projects to summative multi-year independent research programs and engineering design projects.


随着优步和爱彼迎等企业的成功, a number of projects at the Tenth Annual 社会创业计划比赛, 4月14日举行, 专注于共享经济. 然而, several of the winning projects were those which featured products designed specifically for female empowerment or women’s safety. The top project was Afya International chosen as the $3,000 Herbert B. Jones Grand Prize winner by the combined votes of more than 70 judges representing the business, 非营利性的, 学术, 以及专业团体.

School districts invest in teacher leadership, p艺术ner with SPU 教育学院

A p艺术nership between SPU’s 教育学院 and several Washington school districts means that teachers can earn their master’s degrees in their school contexts, 在他们的教学中,每天都变得更加有效. The Master of Education in Teacher Leadership program now accepts applications to MEd in Teacher Leadership cohorts in the Lake Washington School District, Issaquah学区, 和奥林匹克教育服务区, 随着更多地点的到来.


在一年一度的Winifred E. Weter Faculty Award Lecture for Meritorious Scholarship on Tuesday, 4月12日, 神学副教授, 门徒, and Ministry Michael Langford gave a lecture about the concept of reconciliation from a theological perspective, 叫做“作为整体救赎转化的和解”.”

Owen Ewald交付2016 C. 梅·马斯顿演讲

2016年C. 梅·马斯顿2月9日的演讲,欧文·埃瓦尔德,C. 梅·马斯顿古典文学助理教授, 做了一个名为“科幻”的讲座, 幻想, 和古代世界.聚焦于古罗马时代的非现实主义小说, Ewald explored the ways in which these works do not count as traditional mythology, 而是作为个人才能的创造性作品.

Fr. Eduardo Fernandez发表Palmer讲座

SPU’s 神学院 and 西雅图太平洋神学院 hosted the 39th annual Alfred S. 2月11日的Palmer讲座. Fr. Eduardo Fernández spoke on “The Dialogue of 信仰 and Culture: Why the Arts Remain Essential.” His lecture explored how 艺术 continues to not only represent but also shape our understanding of community, 启示, 灵性, 转换, and worship — and how the relationship between 艺术 and theology points the way to an integration of 灵性, 艺术, 和礼拜仪式, 这是网易彩票app在圣像中看到的综合.

Rob 墙和Cara 墙- scheffler主持墙讲座

一年一度的保罗·T. 墙s Lecture in Wesleyan Theology explores the place of spiritual perception in Wesley’s understanding of how one comes to embrace the Christian faith. 罗伯特W. SPU的保罗·T. 沃尔斯的圣经和卫斯理研究教授,卡拉. 墙-Scheffler, 生物学副教授, 在5月4日做了一个题为“上帝新创造的进化”的演讲,” in which they explored how the concepts of evolution and biology relate to the Bible and new creation. 兰迪·马多克斯, the William Kellon Quick Professor of Wesleyan and Methodist Studies at Duke Divinity School, 给出了回应. 5月5日, 马多克斯, 墙, and 墙-Scheffler discussed how scientific studies and ideas relate to their theology and Biblical interpretation, 他们分享了基督教对进化论的解释, 人类起源, 还有自然之恶的问题.


Funded by SPU’s Spiritual and Education 资源 for Vocational Exploration (SERVE) Program and organized by SPU’s Music Dep艺术ment, Futures in Music lectures connect students with top 西雅图 艺术ists in everything from radio to recording to rhapsody. 音乐行业的演讲者, 崇拜艺术, 表现技巧, 领导讨论他们的职业经历, 回答学生提问, 偶尔表演一下. Assistant Professor of Music Brian Chin and the Music Dep艺术ment’s lecture series were mentioned in an 艺术icle on February 4 in NewMusicBox, a multimedia publication from New Music USA dedicated to the music of American composers and improvisers and their champions.


  • The Accidental Executive: Lessons in Business, 信仰, and 调用 from the Life of Joseph (亨德里克森出版社,2015) 艾尔·埃里森曼,驻院行政人员
  • 《X的自白 (托马斯·纳尔逊,2016),由 苏珊娜米. 乌尔夫,英语讲师和驻校作家
  • 家庭心理学:理论、研究与实践 (Praeger, 2015), by 约翰Thoburn临床心理学教授
  • Quantifying the Qualitative: Information Theory for Comparative Case Analysis (SAGE, 2016), by 卡蒂亚Drozdova他是政治学副教授
  • 江歌:Naxiyamtáma (蛇River-Palouse). 玛丽·吉姆的口述传统, 安德鲁·乔治。, 戈登·费雪, Emily Peone(华盛顿州立大学出版社), 2015), “通过 理查德Scheuerman,课程与教学副教授
  • Roadmap to Reconciliation: Moving Communities into Unity, Wholeness and Justice (IVP Books, 2016) 布兰达·索尔特·麦克尼尔她是和解研究的副教授
  • 为什么选择教会? (阿宾顿出版社,2015) 罗伯特W. 墙保罗·T. 圣经和卫斯理研究的沃尔斯教授
  • 《尘埃世界:元素周期表如何塑造生命 (Oxford University Press, 2016), by Ben McFarland, professor of biochemistry
  • Worship Outside the Music Box: Theology of Music and Worship and Multi-Ethnic Ministry (救赎出版社,2015) 斯蒂芬·迈克尔·纽比他是音乐副教授